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December 19, 2019

Once upon a time there was a king…of wines: Barolo DOCG

December 17, 2019

46 new members join the Native Grape Odyssey community after the NGO Maestro course & Walk-Around Tasting in Tokyo

November 28, 2019

What can Japan GAIN from the Native Grapes Academy? The Native Grape Odyssey Maestro course & a Walk-Around Tasting to be held in Tokyo on December 2nd- 6th

November 14, 2019

Thirty-six new heroes join the Native Grape Odyssey community at the Maestro course in Russia

October 30, 2019

Protected Designation of Origin (PDO), for a more protected Europe

October 30, 2019

A European mystery: the difference between PGI, VdT, IGP

October 24, 2019
Stevie Kim with Veronika Denisova and Vladislav Markin

High quality and beyond: the Native Grape Odyssey Maestro Course endorses the promotion of geographical indications in Russia

October 14, 2019
First Native Grapes Academy book

How to choose the right tool for the job: The Native Grapes Academy project isn’t sheepish about being bookish

October 12, 2019
Student with the NGO tasting grid

Storytelling with precision: The educational approach of the first Native Grape Odyssey course in Canada
