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September 30, 2019
Daniele Cernilli, Stevie Kim, Jessica Weatherbee

Native Grape Odyssey débarque à Toronto et dévoile trois stratégies pour sensibiliser les Canadiens au vin européen

September 23, 2019
Daniele Cernilli instructing at the NGO course in Toronto, Canada

How to describe the indescribable: the first NGO course in Canada harmonized poetry and technique

September 16, 2019

Native Grape Odyssey and Vinitaly International Academy: allies in the walk-around tasting for the promotion of European wine in Canada

September 12, 2019

Native Grape Odyssey Maestro Course: the compass needle is pointing toward Toronto

September 10, 2019

Native Grape Odyssey: travelling the wine routes of Italy with Prof. Attilio Scienza

August 2, 2019

Native Grape Odyssey: Getting Ready for Japan’s Sophisticated Wine Market

July 17, 2019

Native Grape Odyssey riding the wave of the EU-Japan Trade Agreement: a new frontier for European wine

July 11, 2019
Stevie Kim at the NGO press event in Toronto

To Canada and beyond: Native Grape Odyssey unveils its forthcoming educational program for September 2019

July 2, 2019

Native Grape Odyssey: From Europe To Canada with (Wine) Love
