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September 30, 2019
Daniele Cernilli, Stevie Kim, Jessica Weatherbee

In Toronto, The Native Grape Odyssey unveils three strategies to educate Canadians about European wine

September 23, 2019
Daniele Cernilli instructing at the NGO course in Toronto, Canada

How to describe the indescribable: the first NGO course in Canada harmonized poetry and technique

September 13, 2019

Native Grape Odyssey and Vinitaly International Academy: allies in the walk-around tasting for the promotion of European wine in Canada

September 12, 2019

Native Grape Odyssey Maestro Course: the compass needle is pointing toward Toronto

September 10, 2019

Native Grape Odyssey: travelling the wine routes of Italy with Prof. Attilio Scienza

August 2, 2019

Native Grape Odyssey: Getting Ready for Japan’s Sophisticated Wine Market

July 17, 2019

Native Grape Odyssey riding the wave of the EU-Japan Trade Agreement: a new frontier for European wine

July 11, 2019
Stevie Kim at the NGO press event in Toronto

To Canada and beyond: Native Grape Odyssey unveils its forthcoming educational program for September 2019

July 2, 2019

Native Grape Odyssey: From Europe To Canada with (Wine) Love
