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The land and the vineyards know neither geographical nor political divisions. The Penedès region is wide and open, covering a long strip of land between the sea and the mountains, half-way between Barcelona and Tarragona.


The DO Penedès is widely recognized for the quality of its white wines, combining a range of wines made with traditional varieties (Xarel·lo, Macabeu and Parellada) with others made from varieties successfully introduced to the region over the years (Chardonnay, Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc...) With Xarel·lo based wines as the standard-bearer, the DO Penedès' wines are all aroma, taste and quality. A pleasure for the senses. Most Penedès whites are drunk young, in the year after bottling, when their sensory properties are at their peak.Producers also make whites fermented or aged in barrels, discovering other extraordinary sensations, wines that can age well over two to five years. When pairing with food, these whites match fish and seafood prepared without sauces; oysters, eggs and cold dishes and fresh or lightly cured cheeses.

The red wines of the Penedès improve with the passage of time if kept in the appropriate conditions (protected from light, smells and vibrations and at a constant temperature not above 15°C). Depending on the vintage and the grape variety, they should evolve well for 4-5 years. At the table, a reserva, or simply just a good Penedès red is best matched to red meats and roasts. For more aromatic reds, white meats and blue cheeses make an ideal pairing. Fruit of years of experimentation and constant innovation, recovering indigenous varieties that had been lost and attention to new consumer tendencies, the DO Penedès offers an exquisite range of quality red wines. A luxury for the senses... The red wines of the Penedès improve with the passage of time if kept in the appropriate conditions (protected from light, smells and vibrations and at a constant temperature not above 15°C). Depending on the vintage and the grape variety, they should evolve well for 4-5 years. At the table, a reserva, or simply just a good Penedès red is best matched to red meats and roasts. For more aromatic reds, white meats and blue cheeses make an ideal pairing.

Physicochemical and Organoleptic properties

The Penedès enjoys a wide variety of micro-climates, marked by the different altitudes and the proximity of the sea. The climate is typically Mediterranean, mild and warm. The Penedès Marítim (Baix Penedès and Garraf counties) is milder due to the proximity of the sea. The Penedès Superior (Alt Penedès, Alt Camp, Anoia and Baix Llobregat counties) has higher rainfall and larger contrasts between maximum and minimum temperatures. The Penedès Central (made up mostly of the Alt Penedès county) is a mixture of the two microclimates.

Grape production area

In the heart of the inland Catalan depression, between the inland mountains and the small plains of the mediterranean coast, you’ll find the Penedès vineyards. The DO is made up of three distinct zones: The Penedès Superior (near the inland mountain range), The Penedès Marítim (between the sea and the coastal hills) and the plain between these areas, known as the Penedès Central.

Source: Penedes DO - official website